ROSSMANN has long been dedicated to charitable activities in the areas of health, environment, education, parenting, volunteering and good deeds. All this is covered by the concept of social responsibility under the name ROSSMANN Inspiruje (ROSSMANN Inspires).
It was in the area of good deeds that ROSSMANN introduced a brand new project, KDE SRDCE POMÁHÁ (WHERE HEART HELPS), in April 2020, building on the charity campaign Dejme úsměv dětem (Let's Give Children a Smile), during which more than CZK 57 million has been redistributed to vulnerable children since 2009.
This project is part of a long-term strategy that connects charity activities with other company activities and is linked to the overall communication of the ROSSMANN brand - A život je krásnější (And life is more beautiful).

As part of the new charity project, registered members of the ROSSMANN CLUB loyalty programme can donate their unused points to the story that appeals to them the most via the mobile app and thus influence how much money will be given and where the money will go. Whichever way the points are redistributed, the important thing is that none of the selected stories will be left without a financial contribution at the end. The entire project operates on a fully digital platform - a mobile app that allows you to communicate with Club members year-round and motivate them to support a good cause. Digitalisation thus allows for easier donor engagement and quick feedback.

"The first wave of voting of the charity project took place from 15 April to 15 June 2020 and CZK 1 million was redistributed between 3 stories - to help the elderly (Elpida), people in need (Czech Federation of Food Banks) and to purchase a sports prosthesis for Filip Veselý (a 14-year-old athlete who had both lower limbs amputated). Thanks to the funds raised, sports prostheses for Filip will be purchased through KlaPeto foundation and the remaining funds will be used to help other handicapped children," says Olga Stanley, ROSSMANN Communications Manager, who is responsible for the project.
"We have long been helping sick, endangered and otherwise disadvantaged children to whom fate has not been kind. Helping others is part of our corporate DNA. Since 2009, we have been able to redistribute funds totalling more than CZK 57,000,000 to support selected projects," adds Olga Stanley.

In this way, ROSSMANN will regularly help not only children, but all those who find themselves in social or material need, whether they are single parents, the elderly or the disabled.
"We are pleased that our company Etnetera can participate in an initiative that enables us to help others. We have contributed in several ways. We are the authors of the loyalty program in the ROSSMANN CLUB mobile app, thanks to which you can not only enjoy discount benefits, but also contribute to the support of those who need it. We also supported the whole project by creating a web presentation at,” says Martin Palička, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Etnetera Group.
It is clear that digitalisation has its place not only in business and loyalty programmes, but also works very well in social responsibility projects.
If you, too, want to get involved in this project, there's nothing easier than downloading the mobile app to your iOS or Android phone.