Utilize user research and build awesome products

We tailor our user research to provide essential insights for building product roadmaps, optimizing design, and enhancing the usability of your digital products.

Why user research

Build successful products

We will help you build an app or web from the initial idea through design to further development and scaling. Our experience and project methodologies proven on large projects ensures smooth delivery and success of your products in the market.

Undestand your customers’ needs

Knowing customer needs is critical to making your digital product more enjoyable to use, increasing user engagement, and fulfilling your business needs. A satisfied user is often not inclined to look to competitors for solutions and will happily return to you.

Reveal new opportunities

Leverage user research to optimize your product roadmaps in the rapidly evolving marketplace. Validating new features, services, and UIs with your customers is a crucial aspect of a successful product lifecycle management strategy.

Understand your audience

We utilize a wide variety of research methods. We always tailor the research methodology to align with project goals, while considering budget, timelines, and other requirements. See examples of the most frequently used research methods.

See case studies

In-depth interviews

Gain a deeper insight into users' motivations, needs, and issues through interviews, which provide detailed data and uncover hidden user needs and desires.

Focus groups

Group discussions with selected users allow to quickly obtain opinions and feedback on concepts, designs, or features. Professionally led discussions reveal different perspectives and dynamics between participants.

Diary studies

This method involves observing users in their natural environment over an extended period of time as they document their experience with a product or service. This approach allows us to gather authentic and long-term insights into user behavior.

Field studies

We immerse ourselves in the natural environment of users to understand the context of their behavior, motivation, and interaction with a product or service. This allows us to uncover deeper layers of behavior that would otherwise remain hidden.

Test your design concepts

When testing new concepts or existing solutions, we give priority to functionality and usability. We often test using interactive prototypes that provide valuable insights while keeping costs low.

See case studies

Usability testing

Usability testing allows to identify issues that users encounter when interacting with a product. We perform it with real or potential users, thoroughly analyse their behaviour, and then propose ideas to improve the user experience.

Card sorting

Users sort cards with features or content elements into groups to show how they naturally organise information. We recommend applying a moderated approach to gain a deeper understanding of how users perceive the issue and the reasons behind their thinking.

Preference and A/B tests

These methods collect data on how users react to different design variants, features, or content. The objective is to determine which variant better achieves the project's goals, such as a higher conversion rate, longer time spent on the page, or improved user orientation.

Top task analysis

By using this method, we prioritize the most important features or content for users. Top task analysis can efficiently replace missing data analytics and provide clear guidance on how to organize website content or develop a product roadmap for the best possible results.

Let’s make something great

Do you need to ideate, design or develop an app?
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