It's been a year since we launched the first round of Etnetera Mobile Academy, where we taught our students the basics of Swift app development for the iOS platform. Because we are planning to repeat the academy in the autumn, we decided to ask its graduates how they used their experience and what they gained from the 6 Saturdays of teaching.
How are our graduates doing?
Adam Pečev
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
It was a quality and quick insight into programming in Swift. It wasn't mainly about writing some code, but rather understanding what iOS programming is all about. Moreover, the atmosphere of any teamwork is very important to me, and Etnetera is full of nice guys.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
I am programming the O2TV mobile application at Etnetera.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
It's worth it, even if you have to send in an application at the last minute (like I did). You'll learn a lot in little time, experience nice office environments and meet nice people.

Marek Tomaštík
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
I rate the Academy very positively. I went to it with just a little Swift and iOS basics, and by the end of the academy I was able to create a full-fledged app with nice features.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
I'm finishing my bachelor's degree and preparing for my state exams.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
If you want to build your first custom iOS app, the Academy is for you. It will teach you everything you need to know. I wouldn't hesitate even if I were a complete beginner who does not have much experience with programming.

Tuan Do
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
I rate it as the best Saturday thing that gave me an awful lot. It really kick-started me and helped me start my de facto career as an iOS developer. I met a lot of interesting and friendly people, had a lot of fun and most importantly learned how to develop iOS apps.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
I just came back from Apple Developer Academy in Italy and I will continue my studies in Software Engineering at FAV ZČU (Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia). In addition, I want to find a full-time job as an iOS developer and work nights on an app we invented during the Apple Developer Academy.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
I'd say there's no need to hesitate at all. This whole experience is priceless. Etnetera was able to teach me enough in 8 weeks to apply for a junior iOS position even without previous experience.
Plus, everyone at Etnetera is nice, it's a lot of fun, and it was definitely worth getting up in the morning on Saturday!

Dorota Piačeková
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
The academy not only gave me enough knowledge in 2 months to be able to program the whole app from A to Z, but also showed me how development works in real life. All the lessons were excellently prepared and we were able to watch them later from the recording, which I appreciated when doing my homework.
I remember it was challenging - getting so much information into my head in such a short time - but it was definitely worth it. Luckily we had great mentors who tried to help us with everything and here and there forgave us when we turned in our assignment late.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
Right after the course I found a job as an iOS Developer in Pardubice, where I tried several interesting projects and learned a lot. Now I am starting work in Etnetera and I am happy that thanks to the academy I managed to get here.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
Don't hesitate and go for it!
Jan Kodeš
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
A great experience that gave me a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge. Plus my first job.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
I currently work in STRV as an iOS developer.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
If you are interested in mobile apps and enjoy programming, there is no reason to hesitate. Swift is a magical language and Etnetera Mobile Academy will show you why. Online tutorials and courses cannot be compared to the academy at all.

Michal Kroupa
1) Looking back, how do you rate your participation in Etnetera Mobile Academy?
I still have good memories of the academy, and if I had the opportunity to attend again, I would not hesitate a minute. In addition to new knowledge, I discovered an interesting company culture and had the opportunity to discuss with professionals in the field and young promising talents.
2) What are you currently doing for work?
Unfortunately, my job doesn't allow me to dedicate myself to the content of the academy professionally, but I am going to start a project related to iOS development with a colleague from work.
3) What would you say to someone who is hesitant to apply for the next year?
There is no room for doubt. I have been through several company courses and trainings and I can safely say that: THIS. IS. THE. COURSE.
If you are afraid you can't do anything, don't worry. Someone will always be happy to work with you and pull you in with the more experienced. And they will not get bored as they are constantly busy with new challenges.
We are planning a second round in the autumn
In this run, we will again focus on the iOS platform and the Swift programming language. You will be taught by people directly from the industry who have been involved in mobile development for a long time. They will also be available to you every day as consultants.
All information and the application form can be found at: